söndag 24 februari 2013

Book circle

Creative connector and wordfinder


Almost everyone I know has their own telephone. There is both good and bad things of having your own phone. Good things: The cell phone are made to be able to take pictures of things you want to remember and to contact people who are outside the country or to chat with friends at your school. It is a very easy way to contact those you know and it goes fast, unlike letters that might take three to eight days to post to those you know and there are other apps on the phone that is very necessary. As a calculator and a clock. Bad things: teenagers are on their phone all the time and they almost never  leaving it away. When they are on the phones, they go onto the internet sites as facebook, twitter and instagram. They also take pictures on almost everything that happens in their lives and post those on these pages. There are many gaming sites for younger children and on those pages you don't  know if you are chatting with a friend or with a pedophile. There are a lots of pedophiles who are on children's gaming sites and pretend they are friends and ask children lots of questions. When the children have responded to where they live and what school they go to the pedophile can come and find them. All teenagers who put out pictures of themselves and their lives don't know for sure who can see them and watch them. There may be someone who stalking them and look up where the images are taken and also can find them. I am very afraid to post pictures of myself and to chat with anyone on the internet. When I'm on my phone I'm only chatting with those I know and my friends. I don't post pictures of me on Facebook. I think you should be really careful who you talk to and which side you put up pictures of yourself on.


söndag 10 februari 2013


Green: Should you tell about the text message if you were Mel? 

Yellow: Do you think Lisa is a good friend? 

Black: Why did Ben get angry at Mel? 

White: Why did Gloria send those text? 

Red: Does Ben still love her? 

tisdag 5 februari 2013



Mels best friends name is Lisa. She has a boyfriend called Ben. She thinks that she dosen’t deserve him because he is to popular and to sexy for her. Her friend Ryan has his birthday on the next friday.